Tuesday, August 17, 2004

VisitBritain and travel agency consortium Virtuoso struck a marketing and sales pact

%3A%3A Travel Weekly - The National Newspaper of the Travel Industry %3A%3A: "British tourist office VisitBritain and travel agency consortium Virtuoso struck a marketing and sales pact designed to position England Scotland and Wales as a preferred destination for the networks luxury specialists.Under the agreement VisitBritain will provide Virtuoso member agencies with exclusive offers -- as well as access to programs such as its BritAgent online specialist training program and its new Booking Britain online sales guide -- and will engage preferred suppliers in direct marketing activities to showcase the range and quality of British products.In return Virtuoso will promote Britain to its customer database of some 1 million affluent leisure travelers and distribute VisitBritain new luxury travel magazine So British to its member specialist agents.The agreement will be formally announced at Virtuoso 2004 TravelMart scheduled for Aug. 22 to 27 at The Bellagio resort in Las Vegas"

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