Thursday, November 11, 2004

New agent no frill flights booking search & booking system

No-frills airlines expected to resist fare comparison - 11-Nov-04.: "Comtec has launched what it claims is a unique flight search and booking engine for agents, but is expecting a backlash from no-frills airlines.The web-based solution allows agents to search and compare scheduled flights alongside charter, consolidator, web fares and no-frills flights.

What is unique about the system is that it allows agents to complete the booking within the Comtec system. It masks the website of the airline, be it EasyJet, Ryanair, British Airways or any other carrier, so that agents don't get redirected to a different website to book the flight....

The schedule flights are accessed via a GDS, the no-frills flights by screen scraping and the charter flights by a mixture of screen scraping viewdata for flight-only options and operating an XML connections with companies such as Avro and Thomas Cook.

EasySell flights costs £15 per month per user."

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