Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Seth Godin reviews new Travelocity tactics

Seth is less than complimentary about Travelocity trying to push their biggest money earners instead of always providing "best" advice to users...his conclusion quoting Lincoln should be a big lesson to the travel corporations that the consumer is far from eaily duped and tactics like Travelcity's in this case com across as money grabbing and underhand...

Seth's Blog: Abraham Lincoln and the new Travelocity: "new Travelocity"..."I admit it. Travelocity fooled me. They fooled me because I used to trust them. I used to be able to assume that they'd just go ahead and show me the best flights. I was wrong.

Lincoln was right. You can't fool all the people all the time. How much profit makes it worth Travelocity using up their single biggest asset--permission to talk to me about air flights?"

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